Tips for Managing Stress and Nurturing Creativity: Creating Art Despite Anxiety

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Creativity can be a fantastic outlet for self-expression and emotional release. However, anxiety can cast a shadow over the creative process, getting in the way of inspiration and stifling productivity. As a therapist who specializes in working with creatives and a performer myself, I have witnessed and experienced the impact that anxiety can have on the creative process. Beyond the impact it can have on your creativity, anxiety can seep into other areas of life – undermining confidence, disrupting relationships, and leading to cycles of self-doubt that feel hard to break. The emotional toll can be overwhelming, making it difficult to stay connected to your creative passions and maintain a sense of fulfillment. In this blog post, I’ll explore the relationship between anxiety and creativity, and share practical tips for managing stress and nurturing creativity to help you find balance and inspiration

Understanding the Connection Between Anxiety and Creativity

As a creative, you may have noticed that anxiety and creativity often go hand-in-hand. Sometimes, the creative process can be a powerful way to relieve anxiety, offering a space for self-expression and emotional release. Other times, it can feel like a source of anxiety itself—self-doubt, fear of failure, and the pressure to meet expectations can weigh heavily on you. Anxiety can also fuel imposter syndrome, with thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I’m a failure” creeping in and stifling your creative flow. This pressure can feel even more overwhelming when your livelihood depends on your ability to create.

Anxiety is a natural response to the vulnerability of the creative process—it’s how we respond to it that makes the difference.

The first step in managing anxiety as a creative professional is to acknowledge its presence and understand that it is a common experience shared by many artists. Recognizing that anxiety is a natural response to the vulnerability of the creative process can help ease feelings of isolation and self-judgment. In my work with artists and creative clients, I often see a fear that no one will buy their art or cast them in a show or buy their album because of a whole bunch of factors that they have very little control over. Creative careers are full of uncertainty, and that uncertainty can cause tons of anxiety. By acknowledging that anxiety, recognizing that many, many creatives face it, and normalizing that experience, you can start to take some of the control away from your anxiety.


Acknowledge and Normalize Anxiety: Tips for Managing Stress and Nurturing Creativity

One way I help clients embrace and normalize their anxiety is by exploring how our brain’s instinct to protect us can sometimes backfire. Our brain is wired to shield us from danger, but it doesn’t always know the difference between a real threat and an imagined one. For instance, because rejection feels scary and painful, our brain might flood us with negative thoughts like, ‘No one will cast me,’ or ‘I’m not good enough.’ It’s trying to soften the blow of potential rejection, but these thoughts often hold us back—stifling our creativity and sometimes stopping us from trying at all.

Instead of fighting these thoughts, I encourage clients to shift their perspective. A simple, reassuring message like, ‘Thank you, brain, for trying to protect me. I’m safe right now, and I don’t need your help,’ can transform the relationship with your anxiety. This small act of gratitude helps you work with your brain as a teammate rather than an adversary, which can ease anxiety and open the door to creative freedom.

Anxiety can cast a shadow over the creative process, getting in the way of inspiration and stifling productivity.
redhead child sitting at a desk on a computer with a woman with her hand on his shoulder

How Artists and Creatives Can Cultivate Self-Care Practices

We hear about self-care all the time, but what does it really mean? With so many definitions floating around, it’s easy to feel unsure about what self-care actually looks like in practice, or how to make it a meaningful part of your life. Self-care is important for managing anxiety and preserving your creativity, and it looks different for everyone. For some people, establishing a set routine including activities like meditation, journaling, and exercise is the key. For others, setting aside a little bit of time each day to engage in activities they enjoy can be helpful. For many people I work with, they often notice that getting enough rest is key to managing stress and anxiety. Rest, play, and other forms of self-care help reduce stress levels and provide a much-needed break from the pressures of the creative world.

Embrace Mindfulness Techniques

Along with other tips for managing stress and nurturing creativity, practicing mindfulness can be especially helpful for artists facing anxiety. Mindfulness is a practice that encourages you to pay attention to the present moment without judgment. When you do this, it allows you to develop the flexible focused awareness that benefits both your mental health and your ability to create with intention.

By working with your brain instead of fighting it, you can ease anxiety and open the door to creative freedom.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness, including techniques such as body scans, deep breathing exercises, walking meditations, mindful eating, and mindful observation. The practice of mindfulness can help alleviate anxiety, unlock your creativity, and enhance artistic focus. I regularly run a series of meditation workshops that walk you through meditation techniques such as mindfulness, body scans, and loving-kindness meditations. If you’re interested, you can learn more here and sign up to get notified before the workshop launches here.

Create for the Joy of It, Not for the Job

Art itself can be a powerful tool to combat anxiety. Set aside time to engage in an art form that isn’t your primary source of income. Are you a performer? Try painting. A visual artist? Try creative writing. Whatever creative outlet you choose, focus on the process rather than the finished product. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s the act of creating that can provide emotional release and help you find some peace.

Seek Supportive Connections Where You Feel Seen and Heard

Experiencing anxiety as a creative person can feel isolating. It may seem like everyone else has it figured out, while you’re the only one struggling. It’s important to realize that you’re not alone in your experiences, and the best way to do that is to seek out support from others. Whether it’s fellow artists, mentors, support groups, or a therapist, making connections with people who understand you can be very helpful.

redhead child sitting at a desk on a computer with a woman with her hand on his shoulder
Mindfulness can help alleviate anxiety, unlock your creativity, and enhance artistic focus.

Practice Defusion to Combat Negative Self-Talk

For a lot of creatives, negative self-talk comes with the territory of being an artist. Whether it’s imposter syndrome, anxiety, or low self-esteem, our self-talk can be difficult to cope with. There are a lot of strategies for coping with negative self-talk, but the ones I recommend most frequently are mindfulness and cognitive defusion. Similar to mindfulness, the first step of defusion is to notice the thought without judgment. Then, try labeling the thought as “worrying,” “planning,” “thinking,” or whatever resonates with you. You can also try putting the words “I’m having the thought that…” in front of the thought.

Many of my clients find that when they use these defusion strategies, it takes some of the power away from their negative thoughts and allows them to be more mindful and present in the current moment. One client in particular noted that it made her feel like she was able to “zoom out” and see the big picture of what she was experiencing without being bogged down by her thoughts.

Embrace Imperfection

Perfectionism is a common struggle for the creatives I work with, and it’s something we often explore together in therapy.  For folks who choose creative careers, it’s often because they excelled in their art form earlier in life. Most creatives want to continue to recreate that success, which can lead to the drive to be perfect. It can be difficult to let go of that perfectionism, but perfectionism only serves to fuel anxiety and get in the way of your ability to create. Embracing the idea that you and your art don’t have to be flawless allows for exploration, experimentation, and growth. Accepting that imperfections are part of the creative journey can alleviate anxiety and open doors to new possibilities.

Practice Self-Compassion

Creative professions can be brutal at times, and most creatives hear “no” far more often than “yes.” In a world where you’re often faced with judgement and rejection, practicing self-compassion is vital. Many of my clients fall into the trap of believing that if they’re hard on themselves, they’ll be more motivated to achieve. Discipline is important as a creative, but I’ve often found that discipline without self-compassion leads to anxiety and burnout. 

Treat yourself with kindness and understanding and acknowledge that anxiety, imperfection, and setbacks are part of the creative process. Give yourself permission to take breaks, make mistakes, and prioritize self-care as you navigate the ups and downs of the creative journey. If this feels impossible to you (and it might!), start by treating yourself the way you would treat a child. If a child needs rest, you let them sleep. If a child is discouraged, you build them up with compassion and encouragement. When you begin to treat yourself with that same gentleness and compassion, it can do wonders for your creativity and overall wellbeing.

financial infidelity
Give yourself permission to take breaks, make mistakes, and prioritize self-care as you navigate the ups and downs of the creative journey.

Find Support and Reclaim Your Creative Freedom

Anxiety can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to stand in the way of your creativity. By using these tips for managing stress and nurturing creativity, you can begin to regain control of your well-being and your ability to engage intentionally in your art. If it still feels too big to manage, it may be helpful to seek out support from a therapist who specializes in working with creatives to help you move toward the life you want to live.

Managing anxiety is an ongoing process, but you have the power to create art in the face of anxiety and embrace your true creative potential. If this blog resonated with you, I invite you to book a complimentary consultation to see if we’re a good fit and explore how I can support you in moving toward the creative life you want.

Alyssa Digges

Alyssa Digges, a therapist and former actor, is passionate about helping creatives and artists break free from imposter syndrome and perfectionism, rediscover their authentic voice, and thrive both personally and professionally.

Alyssa Digges

Alyssa Digges, a therapist and former actor, is passionate about helping creatives and artists break free from imposter syndrome and perfectionism, rediscover their authentic voice, and thrive both personally and professionally.
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