THERAPY FOR Dating + Relationships
We specialize in therapy for dating and relationships in NYC
Are you craving genuine and lasting love in your life? Tired of the dating game, swiping through endless profiles, and going on one uninspiring date after another? You’re not alone. Despite your best efforts, it feels like finding “the one” is a distant dream. Your friends have succeeded, but you feel stuck and disconnected from their advice to “put yourself out there” or that “you’ll find it when you stop looking”.
Maybe you’ve started seeing someone, and the uncertainty kicks in. Do they really like you? Are you the right match? You’re playing detective, searching for signs that you’re on the same page. But there’s this fear that maybe they’re not the one, and worse, maybe there won’t be anyone else. Loneliness and abandonment become constant worries, holding you back from the relationship you want.
Enter dating therapy – your secret weapon in navigating the tricky world of relationships. Signs you might benefit? You catch yourself wondering whether the relationship you’re in is healthy. You just feel frustrated and burnt out by the whole dating process. Maybe you’re dealing with the aftermath of infidelity or going through a tough breakup.
Why do people seek therapy for dating and relationships?
Well, let’s face it – dating can be awkward, and relationships can be downright confusing. Maybe you’re stuck in the same relationship patterns, or you just feel lost. People turn to therapy to figure out their communication style, understand their values, and navigate the complicated world of dating. Not to mention, a lot of people are looking for a partner who is in therapy and committed to working on themselves.
Maybe you catch yourself questioning your relationship and wondering if it’s really right for you. The fear of starting over keeps you from ending a connection that’s past its expiration date. Maybe you’re dealing with infidelity, a deeply painful experience that doesn’t have to define your future. If you’re going through a breakup, the grief is real, and the prospect of dating again is anxiety-inducing. It’s painful, but therapy can help you move on in a healthy way.
We get it – everyone’s journey is unique. That’s why we use different approaches, from talking about expectations in early dating to helping single folks feel whole on their own. Breakup blues? Therapy can help you cope, gain closure, and boost your confidence before re-entering the dating scene.
Licensed Therapists Offering In-Person & Virtual Sessions
NYC Therapists Who Specialize in Therapy for Dating and Relationships
Han Lim
How does therapy for dating and relationships help?
The realm of dating and relationships can be uncomfortable, bringing up vulnerability, insecurity, and fear. If you find recurring issues in your romantic relationships and struggle to address them, therapy is a way forward.
Gain insight into communication patterns
Understand personal values and needs
Explore relationship behavior patterns
Build self-confidence in social situations
Develop better boundaries with partners
Address underlying issues hindering connections
Learn to trust and build resilience
Recognize red flags in relationships
Navigate grief and emotions after a breakup
Tolerate the uncertainty in early stages of dating
Navigating the early stages of dating involves managing expectations, being authentic, and setting boundaries. For single clients, we focus on creating a sense of wholeness independent of a romantic relationship. In the aftermath of a breakup, grief work helps uncover and cope with emotions, providing closure and building confidence for future relationships.
It’s all about unraveling the complexities of dating and relationships, empowering you to find the love you’re looking for. Give it a shot – your path to lasting love might just be a therapy session away.
What if I’m not ready to start therapy?
If you’re not quite ready to start therapy, consider checking out some of our therapists’ favorite books that address dating and healthy relationships:
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski
Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel
Also, this guide to declutter your dating apps can help the process feel less overwhelming.
DATING IN NYc isn’t easy.
We can help.
If difficulty with dating and relationships is starting to negatively impact your wellbeing, self-esteem, or confidence, therapy can be the spark you need that leads to real growth and healing. Together, let’s explore what’s weighing you down and empower you to live more fully.