group therapy

DBT Skills Group in NYC

Get support and find your strength in others. 

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a modified version of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It’s a research-based treatment to help you improve your emotional reactions. The main objectives of DBT are to help you learn to be present “in the moment,” create healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress, deepen emotional understanding, and improve your relationships.

Group DBT blends the benefits of skill building with the healing effects of group therapy. You get to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges while you explore concepts such as radical acceptance and dialects.

Practicing radical acceptance can help you detach yourself from painful experiences and promote healing. The term dialect refers to the idea that two opposing emotions, thoughts, or ideas can be true at once. (For example, “I feel excited and nervous to meet new people”). You also get to release shame while exploring harmful behaviors and learning new ways to manage stress.

DBT is a proven treatment option for individuals who have trouble managing anxiety, difficult emotions, and unwanted thoughts. Behavior disorders relating to stress, such as eating disorders, self-harm, and substance use can greatly benefit from this style of therapy. In addition, people who have experienced trauma including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) can also benefit from DBT skills groups in NYC.

We Specialize in online DBT Skills Groups in NYC

We offer a virtual DBT Skills group so that you can get the support you need from the comfort of your own home.

Our online DBT Skills group is a special style of group therapy that equips you with fresh approaches to dealing with life’s challenges, big and small. This once-a-week group provides you with the tools to improve how you manage struggles that previously felt insurmountable.

This virtual, open group draws from the theoretical framework originally developed by the creator of DBT, Marsha Linehan. The group is led by a Clarity therapist who specializes in DBT, Monica Amorosi. As a member of this virtual DBT skills group, you can expect to learn a variety of effective coping skills and apply understanding to your current challenges. The coping skills and interventions learned come directly from the four core concepts of DBT. 

To develop a deeper understanding, you can expect to participate in homework exercises, group discussions, and writing exercises.

Each week, group content will cover one of the four primary areas of skill development:

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness- improve relationships, communication, and conflict management

  • Mindfulness– learn to be present and more engaged in life while accepting yourself without judgment

  • Emotion Regulation– recognize and express feelings in healthier ways while feeling greater control over your emotions

  • Distress Tolerance- manage crisis and extreme experiences of stress through the use of coping skills

You’ll have the chance to practice coping skills you learn in sessions outside of the group, with the help of guided take-home assignments.

How Can A DBT Skills Group Help me?

When you learn new coping skills, you improve the way you interact with the world around you. Over time, you may find you:

  • Develop and improve your communication skills

  • Explore opposing beliefs and uncomfortable feelings

  • Improve your emotional reactions and ability to communicate feelings

  • Discover improved coping skills to manage stress and other negative feelings

  • Utilize the power of the group to gain support and connect with others

Licensed Therapists Offering In-Person & Virtual Sessions

NYC Therapists Who Specialize in DBT Skills Groups

Connecting with the right therapist is the most important factor in your search. We’re here to help you find a great match.

Who can benefit from DBT?

When you struggle to manage your emotions, this can have an incredible impact on the way you think, feel, and function in the world. For example, you may:

  • Experience difficulty sleeping.

  • Have trouble resolving conflict.

  • Struggle to let things go or hold grudges longer than you should.

  • Overreact to minor issues to the point that you end up ruining relationships.

  • Experience negative effects in your social life, at work or school

  • Develop mental health concerns such as depression or anxiety as a result of not being able to manage intense negative emotions

  • Develop an unhealthy reliance on substances or addiction to smoking, drinking, or drugs in an attempt to cope

  • Engage in self-harm or other disordered behavior such as restrictive eating or binge eating.

If any of the above experiences resonate with you, a DBT skills group in NYC may be a great place to get support and improve how you feel. 

What if I’m Not Ready To Start A DBT Skills Group?

DBT allows you to embrace who you are right now, while also recognizing your need and desire for change. When you’re ready to join a DBT Skills Group, it can enhance your ability to learn new skills from others who are in a situation similar to yours.

You may not be ready to attend a virtual DBT Skills Group yet, but you may still want to experience the benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with the help of a trained therapist. If the idea of a group setting doesn’t appeal to you, meeting with a therapist one-on-one either virtually, or in-person is a great option. 

Click here to get matched with a therapist who specializes in DBT for free. All of our therapists offer complimentary phone consultations so that you can decide if it’s a good fit before starting therapy.

Interested in Joining a DBT Skills Group in NYC?

Get in touch today.

Our weekly online DBT skills group is designed to help you better cope with unhelpful thoughts, emotions, and behaviors while improving your relationships with others. Book a free consultation with Monica Amorosi to begin learning how to feel more in control of your emotions and lead the life you want and deserve.