For many people, the logistics of in-person therapy aren’t just inconvenient, they’re a real obstacle to getting support. If time constraints, sensory overload, or personal comfort have kept you from starting therapy, virtual therapy might be exactly what you need.
If you’ve ever felt unsure after meeting with a therapist, know that you’re not alone. The key to effective therapy lies in the strength of the connection you build with your therapist. By focusing on personal fit thanks to our complimentary matching service, we’re here to help you find a therapist who will support and guide you in a meaningful way.
Meeting with your therapist on a screen can feel different, and sometimes not as powerful, as meeting in person. Luckily, there are several ways we can bridge this gap to make virtual therapy feel more personal, focused, and private.
Physical distance doesn’t have to mean emotional isolation. Teletherapy sessions allow you to stay connected to your therapist during social distancing.
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