Coping with C-PTSD: Learning to Conquer Fear
Fear is a normal reaction to trauma, it’s your body’s way of protecting itself from danger (or perceived danger). Managing fear and coping with C-PTSD can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Fear is a normal reaction to trauma, it’s your body’s way of protecting itself from danger (or perceived danger). Managing fear and coping with C-PTSD can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Emotional flashbacks can be jarring and upsetting. Explore ways to manage your flashbacks so that you can regain control of your life.
Do you feel “stuck” in your grief? Understanding prolonged grief disorder may provide some much-needed answers – and relief.
Teachers often take on the stress and emotions of their students. This year in particular, teachers may experience more vicarious trauma.
Racism is systemic and has led to generations of race-based trauma. Technology has provided an outlet for racism via cybervictimization and bullying.
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