Oftentimes, couples avoid talking about the two subjects that are crucial to their wellbeing: money and sex. It may come as a surprise to you that as a couples therapist, I actually hear more about instances around financial infidelity than affairs in the traditional sense.
Sometimes, no matter how much we love or connect with a person, it can prove difficult to maintain a connection that endures all. Obstacles, differences of opinion, and unexpected life circumstances inevitably crop up and put our relationships to the test.
Love: Everyone wants to experience it, and yet many of us are also scared of it, because in order to truly be open to love, we must also allow ourselves to be vulnerable. What is vulnerability, and why does it terrify us?
As a therapist, I often get an up-close look at how current events shape the everyday fabric of people’s lives. When the holidays close in, I talk clients through the joys and heartaches such seasons can bring.
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