How to Break a Trauma Bond, According to a Licensed Therapist

How to Break a Trauma Bond, According to a Licensed Therapist

Trauma bonds are complicated- both psychologically and biologically. You do not get into them by “choice” and you do not stay stuck in them by choice. Getting appropriate therapy and connecting to safe support is a crucial aspect of recovering from trauma bonds. In this post we’ll explore how to break a trauma bond and the actions you can take to start healing.

10 Ways Therapy Can Help Entrepreneurs

10 Ways Therapy Can Help Entrepreneurs

If you’ve launched a new venture, started your own business, or even pursued a side hustle, you likely already know that the entrepreneurial path can be as tough as it is rewarding. Chances are, you’ve felt a mix of excitement, fear, and overwhelm. With all of the ups, downs, and uncertainties that come with the entrepreneurial journey, it can help to talk with someone who can support you through the ebbs and flows.