10 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

6 Minute Read
It can sometimes be difficult to trust your intuition. So why is it important to get in touch with it? Learning when and how to trust your intuition takes practice. Strengthening your intuition in your daily life helps you build confidence and learn how to trust yourself. If you’re interested in learning how to strengthen your intuition, keep on reading — we’ll go over the definition of intuition, why it’s important, and tips for developing your intuition.
prolonged grief disorder
Learning when and how to trust your intuition takes practice.

What Is (and What Isn’t) Intuition?

Intuition, at its core, is just another form of knowledge. It’s produced by your unconscious mind quickly sifting through your accumulated knowledge and past experience, to help guide your decision-making.

Because you don’t “see” your unconscious mind walking through the steps and considering all this information, the hunches or gut feelings that arise from your intuition can be difficult to understand. Furthermore, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between your intuition and fear and anxiety.  So how do you distinguish between anxiety and intuition?

Strengthening your intuition in your daily life helps you build confidence and learn how to trust yourself.

Because both can manifest as a sense that “something’s off and I’m not sure why,” some confuse the two. Studies show that the brain is capable of registering information even without our conscious awareness.

An important distinction is that anxiety is rooted in fear. You’re afraid of something bad happening, and it brings in emotions like worry and uncertainty, prompting you to avoid the cause of your anxiety.

Intuition, on the other hand, is much more grounded. You could feel confused or dismissive towards the feelings you experience, but underneath you might feel the need to listen anyway, “just in case.”

benefits of Strengthening Your Intuition

All the systems in your body work in tandem towards one goal — to ensure your continued survival. Your heart keeps pumping blood, your lungs keep drawing in air, your brain keeps thinking about the best course of action, and your intuition keeps trying to nudge you in the right direction.

When you don’t trust your intuition or allow it to atrophy instead of strengthening it, you’ll get caught in a web of uncertainty, stress, and fatigue. It’s exhausting to keep constantly looking over your shoulder, thinking and rethinking every step you take.

A 2016 study found that the unconscious emotional information provided by intuition can not only increase the accuracy of decision-making, it could also speed up the decision-making process and boost an individual’s sense of confidence. Your intuition is a natural, powerful tool meant to guide you through life — don’t be afraid to use it. Here are some other benefits of learning how to “trust your gut”:

      • Increased creativity
      • Sense of overall emotional wellbeing and calm
      • Feeling purposeful and determined
      • Improved physical health
      • Better decision-making
      • Heightened sense of perception or empathy
      • Feeling more attuned to your own needs

prolonged grief
When you don’t trust your intuition or allow it to atrophy instead of strengthening it, you’ll get caught in a web of uncertainty, stress, and fatigue.

10 Ways To Strengthen Your Intuition

When society favors logic over intuition, it can be difficult to accept that you don’t need to pass every experience underneath a microscope lens to validate your decision-making. Here are some ways you can strengthen your intuition and begin trusting yourself more:

  1. Trust that your intuition is there — Because some people are naturally more intuitive than others, you might feel like you don’t have “good” intuition. Intuition is innate — we all have it, some are just better at listening to it. By believing that your intuition is there, you can be more receptive toward it whenever you do notice that little inkling of “hey, maybe this isn’t the greatest idea.”
  2. Pick up meditation and mindfulness practices — Spending more time focusing solely on your subconscious mind can help you notice the quiet things your intuition is trying to tell you. It’s best to do this in a solitary place where you can allow your emotions to flow freely.
  3. Start a journaling practice— Every day, dedicate some time to putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. It doesn’t matter what you write about — just give yourself the freedom to let your subconscious guide your hand. Other creative activities, like drawing, gardening or picking up pottery can also be a good alternative.
  4. Transform your relationship with your inner critic — We’re always our own biggest critic. You’re likely used to rationalizing away your gut feelings, but if you really want to strengthen your intuition, you will want to listen to your feelings without judgment, fear, or ridicule.
  5. Connect with all five senses mindfully— Get a good stretch going, wiggle your toes and your fingers, and observe your surroundings mindfully. By paying attention to what you can sense with your body, you can develop greater awareness of yourself as a whole and make you more sensitive to your “sixth sense.”
  6. Practice creative visualization — When you notice an intuitive feeling arising, try taking note of what it “looks” like. Does it have a particular sensation? How about a shape, color, or size? Where does it arise (e.g. your gut, your heart, in your throat)? The feeling of intuition differs from person to person, so paying close attention to how it feels makes it easier to recognize in the future.
  7. Start a dream journal — Dreams are the subconscious mind’s playground. When the cognitive mind takes a break, your subconscious has the freedom to send you signals through your dreams. These signals can be confusing, so a dream journal can help you make sense of them later.
  8. Practice in your immediate environment — Observe the events around you and examine what you’re getting an intuitive sense about, and try tracing what past experiences or knowledge you have that’s informing your intuition.
  9. Tune into and connect with your body— Your body is in constant communication with you. Practice slowing down in the morning and throughout the day. Listen to what your body wants and needs. This is another way to tune into your intuition. Not doing what you think you should do but what you want to. This can look like taking a mid day walk and changing up your routine. Ask yourself: What blocks my intuition?What strengthens my intuition?
  10. Reflect on past experiences — Reflect on challenging or uncomfortable situations from your past. Think back on whether or not you had any intuitive feelings that made you re-evaluate your decision. Did you talk yourself out of listening to those feelings? The more evidence you have that your intuition is trying to steer you in the right direction, the easier it’ll be to trust it.


Learn how to trust yourself

It’s never too late to learn to listen to yourself. Intuitive knowing is heart-opening and with practice will allow you to feel more calm, grounded and self-assured. Your intuition will accompany you for life, so don’t be shy about getting to know it. Would you like personalized guidance on how to strengthen your intuition? Reach out to me for a complimentary consultation today. I’d love to accompany you on your journey in self-empowerment.



Melanie Palmietto

Melanie Palmietto is a licensed mental health counselor and guest contributor on the Clarity blog. She specializes in mind-body approaches for trauma, anxiety, and depression utilizing breathwork and somatic experiencing techniques to help her clients heal. Melanie empowers individuals to cultivate resilience, find inner peace, and transform their lives.
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